Con of the Lakes
Raising funds by playing games!

Information & Rules

Helpful Information and a few rules for the convention


  • Silent Auction items will be sold and a 50/50 raffle will be happening. Raffle tickets can only be purchased with CASH only.

  • The conventions main purpose is a fundraiser, none of the profits go to supporting any specific person. That being said, please consider helping out the convention by not bringing in food from the outside and/or supporting the Con by purchasing food from our volunteers.

  • Tickets, and Food will be CASH or CREDIT CARD.

  • Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Con of the Lakes does not exclude gender, sexual orientation, religion, or politics. If you feel you are being harassed, please find one of the Con runners, and we will try to resolve the situation.

  • We reserve the right to remove anyone from the Con due to harassment issues. That being said, we will explain our reasons for removing you, and you will not be welcome back to the next years convention.